Church History

     Royal Oak Presbyterian Church was founded in 1776 and has a rich heritage of Christian leadership in our community.

     For over 240 years our church has served Jesus Christ and made Him known through worship, ministry and mission. We are thankful that our service in Jesus' name has impacted our neighbors both here and around the world. Through several, long-term mission partnerships God continues to build His kingdom in significant ways through our church's witness.

     For more information on our church's history please visit our recently dedicated "Memorial Room" which has lots of photographs and other documents which chronicle our church's long history.

December 13, 2024

 Wednesday Night Programs

Dec. 11 at 6:30pm 

Carols, Cookies & Cocoa (Fellowship Hall)

 ROK Choir & Plunge (Downstairs Classrooms #1 & #3)

Middle School & Senior High Youth (Youth Center)

 Carols, Cookies & Cocoa: Join us in the Fellowship Hall for an Advent devotion & Scripture readings along with festive carol singing followed by Christmas cookies and hot cocoa. Cocoa will be provided and everyone is invited to bring their favorite cookies to share. The children & youth will have their own programs downstairs.

 Free Infant Child-Care Every Sunday!

(Infants & Children Up to 3 Years Old) 

During Adult Sunday School & Sunday Worship 


Children 3 Years Old - Through First Grade

They worship with their families until around 10:30am 

& then are excused for our Children's Program

with our Children's Ministry volunteers. 


Adult Sunday School

Every Sunday at 8:45am in the Conference Room

Currently Studying the Gospel of John 


Men's Breakfast & Bible Study

We are currently reading through 2 Corinthians

Tuesdays at 8:00am at the Sisters' Cafe in Marion


Online Video Library Now Available!

Our new Rightnow Media online church library has over 20,000 Bible Study Videos! 

We invite you to set up your free Rightnow Media account by going to this link:


Worship on Sundays begins at 10:00 a.m. (Livestreamed on Facebook & later uploaded onto Youtube)


 Online giving is now available!

Simply download the GivePlus mobile app from Google Playstore or the App Store on iPhone.  Once you download the app, enter our zip code or search by the church's name, and Royal Oak Presbyterian Church will be available to select.  Or click on the link provided at the bottom of this page.   

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